Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Dubliners vs To The Lighthouse - 2348 Words
In Dubliners and To the Lighthouse, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf explore the depressing results of lives devoid of growth or meaning versus those who dare to live their lives in spite of all strife and adversity. Both concerned with the meaninglessness of stagnant lives, Joyce operating in pre-WWI Ireland, Woolf in England during and after the war. Joyceââ¬â¢s story The Dead and To the Lighthouse both reveal the despair of lives that occupy but do not fill the short span of time between birth and inevitable death. With The Dead, Joyce brings his lament for Irelands plight to its depressing yet strangely peaceful conclusion. Like other stories in Dubliners, The Dead tells quite a bit of the social depravity of an Ireland torn byâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Soon the reader must realize that all these celebrated figures are either long since dead, or living singers who are so obscure that only a single person has ever heard of them. It seems that the present society is totally de void of all beauty, for the glory of the past is lost, and the buds and timid blooms of the present are fatally obscured. Yet still these people gather yearly around the massive banquet table to engage again and again in the same sort of conversation, as Gabriel himself notes: But yet, continued Gabriel, his voice falling into a softer inflection, there are always in gatherings such as this sadder thoughts that will recur to our minds: thoughts of the past, of youth, of changes, of absent faces that we miss here to-night. Our path through life is strewn with many such sad memories: and were we to brood upon them always we could not find the heart to go on bravely with our work among the living. We have all of us living duties and living affections which claim, and rightly claim, our strenuous endeavors. (214) Gabriels speech to the assembled party is in quite a strange tone. Like many other characters in Dubliners, these people are preoccupied with thoughts of those who have not la sted another Christmas. With his talk of our work among the living, Gabriel seems to think either that he must remind everyone that they, too, are
Monday, December 16, 2019
Diet and Nutrition Free Essays
Overweight and obesity are among the most topical health related problems of our modern society. They are primarily associated with high risk for many terrible diseases, including heart attack, diabetes, etc. Recently, overwhelming majority of women and increasing amount of men are forced to pay serious attention on the meals they eat, to count the calories or to keep to some diet. We will write a custom essay sample on Diet and Nutrition or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is a great deal of information about dieting and following healthy nutrition-style available in contemporary mass media. There are special TV and radio programs, in which medical doctors or other specialists speculate about different diets and give valuable pieces of advice. It is possible to find special magazines and other editions, presenting one or another type of diets or weigh-loss programs for the general audience. Finally, there is abundance of Internet sites, dedicated to the problems of obesity and overweight. As a rule, the most of the recommendations, connected with dieting and putting off weight, are quite individual and must be specifically given for any particular person, taking into consideration his/her health and psychological conditions, present life-style, marital status and so on. But there are some common points and tips, which can be suggested to anyone, who is thinking about starting a new healthy nutrition and life-style. Speaking about diet, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of highly caloric meals in daily ration. Primarily, those are baked and fried foods. Many diet specialists suggest total refusal of eating all sorts of bread and bakery, made from white refined wheat powder. At the same time, it is necessary to include some small amounts of household bread or graham crackers, because bread has some important rare nutrients, essential for human organism. Also, any type of fried food is considered to be dangerous and caloric. Fried and fatty meals are direct contribution into fat deposits, which are drastically increasing weigh of the body. The same can be said about sweet foods, especially sugar and its products. These foodstuffs are rich with glucose, which is a perfect source of energy, but, at the same time, can be easily conversed to fat. That is why one of the easiest and most common recommendations for fatty people is to lover the consumption of sugar, sweets and chocolate. Second important suggestion is decreasing the amount of junk food. Contemporary life is making us very busy and tired of our problems, children, offices, schools and all the things. That is why it is a good solution in many situations to use ready meals in fast food restaurants, or to prepare ready-to-cook products. At the same time, our favorite pizza, Big Mac or Whopper are simply caloric bombs. They are usually prepared on extremely dangerous fats or oils and have a lot of fat-containing ingredients, like cheese, sausages, etc. The third tip on improving nutritional habits is to avoid overeating and eating late at night. Dietologists suggest eating three-four times a day, serving a number of different meals in small portions. If hunger appears before the scheduled meal-time, some light yogurt, piece of fruit or tomato juice can be the best solution for handling it. Also, it is better to have dinner at least in two-three hours before going to bed. Certainly, not everything is based on correct nutrition and healthy food consumption in the program on putting off weight. Such activities like doing REGULAR physical exercises, being always moving and dynamic during the day, spending a lot of time outdoors and preferring active rest, are milestone points for people with extra weight. Besides, such spiritual practices, like yoga, proved to be very effective and supportive for those, who are trying to decrease own weight. If a woman is 5ââ¬â¢4â⬠³ tall and has 158 pounds of weight, she can find out (using some Internet resources or special comparative tables) that she is quite overweight, but, fortunately, not obese. That is why she does not need to keep to a strict exhausting diet, but some urgent steps must be done in order to put off her extra pounds. To do so, she needs to make some changes in her nutritional habits and establish some new rules of maintaining healthy life-style. To start with, she can adopt above mentioned recommendations, trying to lower the amount of fat and sugar in her daily meals and avoiding eating late at night. It would be necessary to learn cooking healthy meals, using as much as possible vegetables, cereals, fruit, meat, fish and other natural products. It would be healthy for all the family to give up eating macaroni or fried potatoes and enjoy delicious boiled or stewed foods, which are much more healthy and useful. Besides, she needs to re-schedule her daily routine and find more time for additional physical activity. For example, dieting can be perfectly supported by regular strolls or jogging. At the workplace it is better not to sit for long, or (if the work is connected with sitting) to do some frequent refreshing physical exercises. On the way home it is better to walk as much as possible, at least from the further parking place. Of course, it is good to use the opportunity of having active rest on weekends, like going out of the city, hiking, swimming, etc. The most important moment is: healthy nutrition and physical activity have to be regular. This will never work for people, who always put the things off until tomorrow and look for reasons to give up. Only doing regular exercises and always keeping away from unhealthy meals will work for good. This way, maintaining healthy life-style has to grow into a habit and work for keeping the body in normal weight for long time. That is why, in addition to everything above mentioned, it is also extremely important to get psychologically ready for the hard work on weight-loss plan. It will take enormous efforts to refuse some favorite meals, like cakes, hamburgers or fries; to follow the schedule of having meals; to learn how to cook new dishes; to find some time to do physical exercises or jogging, etc. It is necessary to remain focused on the goal and be ready to do everything possible to achieve it. Undoubtedly, dieting and following healthy life-style will bring some certain changes into daily activity of the woman. For instance, it may take some more time to cook more healthy meals, or some extra time will be required for doing exercises and outdoors activity. Thatââ¬â¢s why in the beginning her husband and children may feel lack of her attention; she may have no time for doing something she used to do; she can feel more tired and have lack of rest, etc. Nevertheless, in three or four months the first results will take place and the first pounds will disappear. By that time, the woman will definitely get into the swing of her new life-style and feel less pressure from the things to be done. Therefore, the first outcomes of her efforts will become clear. Sheââ¬â¢ll feel lighter and healthier, her self-esteem will rise and her capabilities will increase. This everything will immediately reflect on her family and bring to numerous positive reactions. How to cite Diet and Nutrition, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Discussion about Frank Perre v Apand Pty Ltd [1999] HCA 36
Question: Discuss about the Report for Frank Perre v Apand Pty Ltd [1999] HCA 36. Answer: Facts: The appellants are a group of farmers growing potatoes in South Australia and exports the produce to Western Australia. Because of the negligence of the Respondent a disease known as bacterial wilt got introduced into the land of one of the farmer. Due to the disease the Western Australian Regulation prohibited the import of the potatoes from the infected farms as well as farms that were nearby. The appellants therefore filed a case against the Respondent for claiming damages as the Respondent owe duty of care towards the Appellants. Issues: Whether the Respondent owed a duty of care to all the Appellants, even though they were not physically harmed because of the respondent, but they had to face the consequence of the negligence of the Respondent. Whether pure economic loss is an element for determining duty of care that the Respondent owed to the appellants. Relevant laws and principles: Duty of Care- this duty envisages that there should be a duty to avoid any reasonably foreseeable loss that might be caused to others due to a negligent act of the person who owes the duty. It is a legal obligation that requires an individual to adhere to a standard of foreseeable reasonable care that needs to be kept in mind while performing an act, so that no harm is inflicted on others. In Donoghue v Stevenson, the context was used referring to inflicting harm upon neighbours. Knowledge- is a factor that needs to be taken in consideration while examining the concept of duty of care as, having knowledge (either actual or accordance with a prudent person) about people who are vulnerable and would be harmed by the actions of the individual needs to be reasonably foreseen and there lies a duty of care towards those vulnerable class of people. Reasonable Foreseeability- this is one of the determining factors of duty of care, wherein the scope of foreseeability is measured in terms of an act or care a prudent man would take in normal circumstances, and would take precaution so as not to harm his neighbour (Donoghue v. Stevenson) Ascertainable class- when there exists a group of people who belong to a particular category and shall be affected if any harm is caused even to any one individual that forms a part of the class and the class that so gets affected is foreseeably ascertainable by a prudent man is known as an Ascertainable class. Vulnerability- Where the defendant holds more control over the impact on the plaintiff occurred due to the acts of the defendant, i.e. the plaintiff is vulnerable to the defendant then any economic loss caused to the plaintiff, defendant shall be liable for the same. Where the plaintiff himself owed a duty to take care of himself and protect himself from any economic loss, then the liability cannot be imposed on another, although the plaintiff was made more vulnerable due to the act of the defendant (Hill v Van Erp (1997) 188 CLR 159). Pure economic Loss- loss when in the form of physical injury is easily seen and can be calculated, but when a loss is in terms of economic aspect then the loss cannot be seen and it may arise taking in consideration a number of factors for its calculation, such as expected future loss, loss arising from that loss etc. the financial loss could be direct or indirect. Arguments of the parties and analysis: Arguments of the Appellants: the Appellants argued that they suffered economic loss because of the activities of the Respondent, as they were a vulnerable class and hence the Respondent is liable to pay damages for the loss suffered. Arguments of the Respondent: The case was argued by the Respondents on the sole basis as to whether there was a relationship between the Respondents and the appellants, so that the respondents are held liable for the pure economic loss of the appellants. Analysis: there are certain factors that need to be kept in mind while determining cases of duty of care and the negligence resulted in a pure economic loss. In the case of Fortuna Seafoods Pty Ltd v The Ship "Eternal Wind" [2005] QSC 4, before the Supreme Court of Queensland, Justice Douglas laid the following determinants for Duty of care: Harm was reasonably foreseen. The defendants had knowledge. There was no indeterminate liability. The defendant had knowledge that there was an ascertainable class. The damage was a resultant factor of the activities of the defendant. The duty of care would not result in loses suffered to the defendant himself. Keeping the above determinants in mind there are certain factors that needs to be seen in the present case. Firstly, the defendants were able to foresee the harm that if there is a bacterial wilt caused to one of the farms then farmers within a radius of 20km will be affected. Secondly the defendants had knowledge that the export of potatoes by the South Australians to West Australia is a lucrative business and any harm to the farms would result into economic losses to the Appellants. Thirdly, the liability could be determined on the basis of the loss caused due to prohibition of export for 5 years, which could be calculated on the basis of the previous profits earned by the farmers from such export. Fourthly, the Respondents knew that the appellants are an ascertained class of people and loss to one farm shall affect the entire class. Earlier this factor was not taken into consideration as in the case of Christopher v MV "Fiji Gas" (1993) Aust Torts Rep 81-202, the class determinant was not taken into consideration, however after the present case the situation changed and if the respondent/ defendant is aware that the injured person of the class ascertainable by the respondent then a duty of care was owed even to them. Fifthly, the respondents had no economic impairment because of the duty they owe and sixthly, the economic damage caused to the appellants is a direct consequence of the activities of the respondent. Conclusion and Court outcome: Decision: Out of the seven judges, five considered that the Respondent owes a duty of acre towards the Appellants. This judgement is a landmark judgment as it became possible to claim damages without any actual physical harm, but only for financial harm also. Parameters for the limitation of duty of care were not set by this judgment but various observations were made with respect to the concept of duty of care. According to GLEESON CJ., there is lack of precision in case of economic loss, as it is difficult to be calculated since it is not apparent and could be direct or indirect. Referring to the judgement of Lord Bridge of Harwich in Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman, Gleeson CJ, said that the duty of care is not a limited concept it is extended to the concepts of proximity and foresee ability and there cannot be a three stage test for it. He held that the damage caused to the appellants who were in the proximity of the damaged area is a case of reasonable foreseeability and the harm caused to a vulnerable class of people towards whom the Respondent owed a duty of care. GAUDRON J, also allowed the appeal, and also discussed about the relationship that the appellants had, which was that they were all interconnected in terms of ownership and working and processing of the potatoes, and as the land of one farmer was affected the others were also affected due to the relationship that they held with the infected lands farmer. He further examined that the liability of economic loss that was caused to the appellants is based on various factors and not just one factor can be taken into consideration while calculating the liability, the factors comprises of relationship of proximity, foreseeability, and other factors that comprise the duty of care. He also added that in the present situation the proximity can only identify the foreseeability of harm caused to the appellants. It was held that the Respondents knew that a class of people exists, who will be impaired of their legal rights if there happens to be a disease within 20km of the area where they worked and hence, the Respondents owed a duty of care to keep in mind this factor. Here the duty of care rests o the factor that the Respondent had control over the rights of the appellants and was able to inflict harm. Proximity was culled out from the factors determining economic loss as in case of economic loss it was earlier believed that, there is a gain to the other party or to a third party, i.e. there is a transfer of the financial gain to someone. Therefore it became necessary to prove that the other party had some kind of gain and that liability must be imposed upon him. The court parted from the above view in the present case as it believed that proximity is a category of indeterminate reference par excellence." McHugh J. was in favour of the determinants such as reasonable foreseeability, autonomy or control in the market, vulnerability, knowledge of the defendant and indeterminability of the liability. Kirby J, favoured the Caparo test that was ruled out by the majority. Conclusion: The judgement criticised 4 tests as they all suffered from some or the other glitch. In the Caparo test (Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman [1990] UKHL 2) the proximity concept is not useful in cases of pure economic harm. The determinants fair and reasonable are difficult to be set as a standard as it vary from people to people. In the Anns Test (Anns v Merton London Borough Council [1977] UKHL 4) knowledge was important which cannot be now considered in the present times in terms of duty of care. The test of Precise legal rights was also ruled out, as it cannot be said that there can be no liability on others if there has been no infringement of an already existing right. Pure economic loss was allowed in this judgement which still holds as a law of the land and is an authority in cases pertaining to liability of economic losses where duty of care is required. Supreme Court has also held the principles followed in the present case as being the law as was established in the judgment passed by the Supreme Court of Queensland in Fortuna Seafoods Pty Ltd v The Ship "Eternal Wind" [2005] QSC 4,wherein damages for economic loss were allowed. Vulnerability has been introduced in the concept of duty of care as one of the determinants after the decision of Perre v. Apand was passed.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
True Love Essay Example
True Love Essay Alex True Love This is something that divides us as humans, with quite a lot of gray area in the middle. You will find people that swear to the truth of this and others that try to finally prove it false. Right now I see myself in the grey area, questioning. Does true love exist? Is it possible for everyone? I am not sure even what this is seeing as I have yet to be in love. I have often asked myself if there was a one true love for me and if someone somewhere was pulling the strings just right so that I would meet them or not. In recent years the divorce rate in America has gone up. Some say this is because women have become more independent and no longer feel the need to stay with a man in order to survive. I think that Americans have lost faith in an Ancient belief, true love. Or maybe the problem is that we are searching for something that doesnââ¬â¢t exist. Can true love scientifically be proven? Is there something in our body that tells us when we are in love? If we could find a way to prove that true love exists can we tell when two people are really in love? Do we really want to know? If someone that we love dies can we get married again? We will write a custom essay sample on True Love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on True Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on True Love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Can there be more than one person in your life that you have loved, love, or will love? I want to look into why this is different for everyone. I expect to find what makes us believe in something when most of us can say we have never experienced it. How did this belief come about? Is it possible to fall in love no matter the appearance, gender, or race? I know we all have our prejudices but perhaps true love is the bridge over these barriers. Polygamists treat their wives like property but still say they love them. If you truly love someone how should you treat them? I think that scientific research will show that love does exist and that you can fall in love multiple times in a life. Fate is something that canââ¬â¢t really be proven. I also am hoping to find how the idea of a true love came about. I donââ¬â¢t think that an interview will help much because it varies so much from person to person. What I want to accomplish is to focus on three main points for my paper. First, can true love be scientifically proven? I also want to go into how it has proved the existence of love? (I believe they have)Second, why do we believe in true love in the first place? Third, has America lost sight of the idea of true love or are we focusing on it too much? There is a lot more I could go into but these are my main three. To begin, I first need to establish what true love is. While I am trying to figure out if this proposed phenomenon actually exists, for this section I will assume that it does. This basis will allow for proof or disproof. Getting everyone to agree on one definition is impossible, so I hope to highlight a couple. First, I wanted to find an article on the Christian view of how to find true love. Since most of the population in America is made up of Christians, I felt that it was important that this view was included. It begins with the famous verse from Corinthians, ââ¬Å"Love is patient, love is kindâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ This is a view that many people hold dear to their hearts. This article is more of a guide for Christians on how to find true love and tells that in order to find true love that we need to do three things. First, the article says to read the bible and find what to look for in love. Next, honesty is needed with ourselves and the one we love. Finally, to be ready to commit for a lifetime and understand what this commitment means. The view of this article is that love lasts forever and that unless you are looking for the right qualities that you wonââ¬â¢t ever find it. While this is only one opinion, it is quite standard. The next definition needed comes from the opposite direction, science. This article from CNN states that researchers from Stony Brook University have proved the existence of lasting love. Their research focused on new lovers and couples that have been together for around 20 years. They analyzed the chemical reactions when the person was shown a picture of their loved one. Old research had found that the chemical reaction in new lovers fade within 15 months and is gone after 10 years. Somehow, these scientists managed to find a few couples that defied these statistics. !0 percent of the couples that had been together for twice the amount of time that their love was supposed to fade by had reactions the same as a new couple. This definition of true love is based on time and fact but it is just as real as an immeasurable definition. This next source is called ââ¬Å"7 Myths of Happily Ever Afterâ⬠by Blair Justice. This is an article about how Americans view perfect relationships (incorrectly). Instead of looking at a definition, this looks at common misconceptions. The first is about how all people look for that person to live happily ever after with. It states that we all are searching for that unconditional love, futilely. We shouldnââ¬â¢t have that unconditional love between us and our partner in order to have that ââ¬Å"perfect relationship. â⬠Then, that when there is true love between two people that they should not have to tell the other what they want. Third we search for someone with the same problems that we have and that will make both of our problems disappear. Maybe he/she will even understand and that will be enough. Fourth, donââ¬â¢t go to bed angry. An unhealthy relationship would be if you never slept away from your partner after an argument. As long as you are not running away and can try and put the heat of the argument behind you. Fifth, we never talk. We actually talk a lot but we need to learn how to communicate better. Sixth, he will change after we are married. We need to get rid of the illusion of changing our partner later. This entire article tells pretty much what Americans view as true love. The question that is brought up by all these wrong beliefs is, if we change how we think about love can we find it? What the focus needs to shift to is recognizing this love. When you fall in love you head in full force. You devote all of your attention to that one person and nothing else. The passion and heat takes over. This is not true love, though. True love is the kind that lasts; this heat we all feel in the beginning of a relationship will always fade. If there were a device to prolong this feeling, it would be coveted by all. How do we act when we are truly in love? In this article from Christian Answers gives a list on how to know when you are in love. The first step to having a true relationship is establishing that what you have is exclusive. By telling your partner that you want to be with them and only them shows that you are ready to commit fully. Next you say that this is the best relationship that you have had. It is like starting a new chapter in your life where you can only go forward. Then, once you are past the lets go anywhere stage and the stage where you stand up for yourself, this article says that you can accept the other personââ¬â¢s interests to partake in them sometimes as well. The article says that you must accept the other personââ¬â¢s beliefs enough to not oppose them. You also have to just be able to enjoy the other personââ¬â¢s company enough that doing nothing together is like a break from the rest of the world, even though you are with him/her. Lastly, it lists that you have to show that you are comfortable being yourself in front of them. Overall I believe that this is a good list of how to recognize true love. There are many people loosing the sight of true love and this can be represented by the amount of divorces in the United States. When two people get married, most say that they will be married forever. Some hold on to the view of happily ever after, while others are more realistic about their life after marriage. One thing that we have to accept is the ending of marriage. While many people say that 50% of all marriages in America end in goodbye, this is not entirely correct, this article states. The facts do show that if the current trend continues that we may even surpass this number. We loose sight of the hope for true love for many reasons. The main reason in this short article is childlessness. ââ¬Å"The absence of children leads to loneliness and wearinessâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ This last article is called ââ¬Å"True Love? Forget it! â⬠This article argues that true love does not exist. The author, Lynn Truss, says that we often use the non-existence of a perfect partner as an excuse to not find love at all. If someone was ââ¬Å"just looking for the right personâ⬠they might pass up on several people that might not be perfect, but are perfect for them. The definition of love is given as what you do with what youââ¬â¢ve got. We often have unrealistic views of love and this is because of two things. First, love is deeply placed in human nature and we see love as something we find. Actually, he states, love is something we create, an achievement. So this article is saying that we make up true love to fill a void in our life that everyone has. Love is something we make not something we just bump into. To turn this last topic around I would like to highlight a girl that never gave up on love, even if it hurt. Nancy Rue says in her book, Coping with Dating Violence that abuse happens in many ways. Sometimes the guy doesnââ¬â¢t want to lose the girl and sometimes he has anger issues. What I was interested in was why women tend to stay with these men when they arenââ¬â¢t treating them right. This book states that women often blame themselves for the abuse. What I am interested in is the fact that some stay because, in the beginning, it was perfect and they were so in love. Was this true love that just went wrong or a facade from the beginning? When girls fall in love with this boy they are really falling in love with him, she states. When a girl is being abused by the ââ¬Å"mental illnessâ⬠that the boy has. During this process I learned a lot, but not as much as I wanted to. Next year I will have to write a ton of papers. While this project was interesting, I donââ¬â¢t see it preparing me for the future. I already know how to research, so hat was one of the easiest parts. The main thing that I learned from this project was MLA format. I have worked with many kinds of formats before so it was good to be able to focus on just this one. What I really liked about what I did was the quality of research although I wish that I had the time to get more. I also make summaries daily for other classes which made it easier to do the summ aries in here. One thing that I really need to work on is my citations. Most of the times they need a little bit of tweaking, in order to be fully correct, there arenââ¬â¢t too many problems. What I learned in both this area and in MLA format will most certainly help me in later projects. During this particular project I liked it simply because it was different. It is not like the typical high school paper. One thing it could have benefited from was a little less structure. We were able to pick out our own topic which was nice but turning in our summaries every due date was a little confining. I believe that more freedom would have also been more responsibility, so I understand the structure somewhat. I began this paper with an idea. Actually, I had many ideas but my main one was my favorite. This idea has become a growing question in my own life. Does true love exist? Some people believe they can answer this question with a yes or no. This is not the answer that I want. I want a reason, explanation, but most of all information. Iââ¬â¢m not researching that feeling you get when you see that cute guy a couple rows over in class smiling at you. I am looking at actual, forever love. I was hungry for information and began searching from many different angles. I found scientific evidence and put it right along side the religious. I read stories about terrible abuse and tales of enchanting love. The scientific evidence claimed its existence, if rare. Just by looking at divorce rates in America shows how wrong we can be about love. These are some of my favorite sources. My absolute favorite has to go to the book I read. This story speaks to me in a way that none of the articles could. One of the stories from this book tells of a girl that fought so hard for love, she almost died. The desperation that she feels is what makes this the best in my eyes. After all of this time I think I can finally say that I have an answer that makes sense to me. True love is out there for everyone somewhere. It is just up to you to find it and hold on tight. There will never be a world where everyone will find this connection but the first step is knowing what to look for. At the very least, you should know what to stay away from. This conclusion has helped me with my own life, even if it never helps another person. I wish that I could not change my question but instead write a follow up piece. If I could it would be on the history of love, how it has evolved. That topic intrigues me but the one I wrote this paper on was just right for me.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Roosevelt and Hoover essays
Roosevelt and Hoover essays When categorizing President Franklin D. Roosevelt, many will say that he was a liberal, and that his predecessor, President Herbert C. Hoover was a conservative. However, these characterizations of the two men, are not completely true, and both men used views from each category to help with the depression. Both men had to be flexible in order to have a chance at saving the economy, Hoovers original conservative ideas had to bend to liberal ways, and Roosevelts liberal beliefs were used to protect conservatism. Perhaps the best way to visualize the two presidents beliefs, is by using a Venn-diagram, with both men falling in the middle section of moderate. Hoovers original idea of running the nation on a strictly laissez-faire system, can be placed under the category of Conservative. He felt that the fall of the economy was the result of a business cycle that the country would naturally find its way out of debt. He didn'tt want to have the government intervene by trying to pull the country out of debt. Hoover felt that with government intervention, citizens freedom would be taken away by the large bureaus that were being established. In the beginning, Hoover felt that ...Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement... and that the only way to deal with the depression was through a laissez-faire system. President Hoover soon realized that even though he believed that this was the valley of a business cycle, that the valley was turning into an abyss, and not showing any signs of turning into a hill. Going against his original ideas, he started to take liberal measures in a conservative manner. He proposed change and encouragement from the government at ...national, state, and local... levels.Although the changes he suggested were small, such as doubling the construction workers budget to provide new jobs for the...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Best Off-Campus Job Options
Best Off-Campus Job Options Its no secret that most college students work during their time in school because they have to, because they want to, or because they both want and have to. And while working on campus has some obvious benefits, working off-campus can be downright amazing. If youre thinking of working off-campus during your time in college, check out any of the following options: Coffee Shop It sounds so simple, but working in a coffee shop can be great for college students. It keeps you busy; youll meet a lot of people; youll likely get discounted, if not downright free, coffee; you can earn tips; and youll learn a skill that will transfer to wherever you live next. Additionally, some major chains offer benefits for part-time workers, which can be a serious bonus during your time in school. Wait Staff at a Nice Restaurant If youre going to wait tables, do your best to find a really nice restaurant. Your tips will be higher, your boss will likely be more experienced, and the little things like air conditioning during the summer will all add up to a nice work experience. Retail Retail can be great for college students, especially if you work at a major chain. The skills and training you receive in your college town, for example, will make you highly appealing to similar stores back in your hometown. Additionally, any discounts you receive on clothing or other items can come in extremely handy. Lastly, because retail stores are often open in the evenings and on weekends, you might be better able to find shifts that accommodate your class schedule than if you worked in a traditional, 9-5 office. Entry-level Administration Dont sell yourself short; even a semester of college might put you ahead of other administrators who dont have any college experience. Consider looking for entry-level administrative jobs that can help you build a resume and some important skills during your time in college. Ideally, when you do graduate, youll then have both the experience and the formal education to skip past entry-level jobs. In a Field Youre Interested In If youre extremely interested in a certain industry, try finding a job you can get during your time in school thats still in the field. True, you likely wont be able to start at the level youre hoping to after you graduate, but working in your desired field can help you confirm that youre aiming for the right place. (Additionally, any connections you make can help you once you do start looking for more advanced work.) In a Non-profit Non-profits can be amazing places to work because they offer so much. In addition to helping communities and individuals, non-profits offer some great benefits to their employees, too. Because most non-profits are small and/or understaffed, you can learn a lot of skills through just one job. You might do a bit of marketing, some community work, some financial management, and some supervision of projects and other people. Consequently, what seems like a small non-profit job just might end up being a huge opportunity for you to learn all kinds of skills. Any Job with Benefits Lets be honest; it can be hard to coordinate benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and even tuition payments during your time in school. If youre lucky enough to find an off-campus job that offers these benefits (tuition reimbursement, anyone?!), leap on it. While you may not see the actual money behind these benefits in your paycheck, youll undoubtedly feel their advantages during your time in school. Any Job that Provides Housing Fortunately, there are some pretty great off-campus gigs out there that also provide housing. Being an apartment manager, for example, can be a great option during your time in school if you can great free or reduced-cost rent as part of your paycheck. Being a nanny, too, might also be an option, as long as your family is understanding and flexibly about your college commitments. Any Job Online Working off campus doesnt necessarily have to mean working in a traditional brick-and-mortar place. If you can find a job working online, youll have no commuting costs. Some online jobs offer flexible schedules while others require you to be available during specific days and times. Finding something that works for you can be key and a great way to experience an off-campus job without the traditional drawbacks. Any Job at a Place You Want to Work After Graduating Getting your foot in the door in an entry-level job still counts as getting your foot in the door. And while everyone has their dream job, most people also have their dream place to work. If you know where youd absolutely love to work after you graduate, see if you can get a job - any job - there during your time in school. You can meet people, build your reputation, and network in a way that youd never be able to do from the outside. And all of this will, of course, come in handy once you toss your graduation cap and are looking for full-time work away from campus.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BIM in Construction and Knowledge Management within Dubai Dissertation
BIM in Construction and Knowledge Management within Dubai - Dissertation Example Any uses made within it of the works of other authors in any form (e.g. ideas, equations, figures, text, tables, programmes) are properly acknowledged at the point of their use. A full list of the references employed has been included. ... on 10 Objectives 10 Aim 11 Research Questions 11 Chapter Two: Research Methodology 12 Research 12 Objectives of Research 13 Motivation in Research 14 Types of Research 15 Research Approaches 18 Significance of Research 18 Research Methodology 18 Importance of Knowing How is Research Done 19 Secondary Data Collection 20 Primary Data Collection 20 Method of Data Analysis 21 Chapter Three: Literature Review: BIM 22 What is BIM? 22 How do construction companies use BIM? To what extent? 24 Uses of BIM in Construction Industry 28 Cost Estimating 28 Visualizing 29 Learning 30 Accessibility to Information 30 Interoperability 33 Simulation 34 Facility Management 34 Scheduling 35 Strategies for implementing BIM 35 Socio-technical and socio-cultural view 38 Building Object Behavior (BOB) 39 Impact of using BIM in the industry - Six KPIs of construction and BIMââ¬â¢s impact 39 Summary 42 Chapter Four: Literature Review: Knowledge Management 44 Knowledge creation and transfer 44 Definition of Knowledge Management 48 Knowledge management in construction industry 48 Status of KM in Construction Industry 54 Knowledge management systems/ models/ processes 58 Relevance of BIM in KM 64 BIM using KM in UAE- what it means? 66 Summary 67 Chapter Five: Survey/ Questionnaire Findings 68 Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations 88 References 90 APPENDICES 94 APPENDIX 1- Survey questionnaire 94 APPENDIX 2- Responses of Survey Questionnaire 98 LIST OF TABLES AND DIAGRAMS Figure 1: BIM Framework. 24 Figure 2: BIM use through the lifecycle of building construction 25 Figure 3: A parametric object design process 27 Figure 4: Cost influence during project lifecycle 29 Figure 5: Cost influence during project lifecycle 32 Figure 6: Relationships and enablers of the information value-chain in NBIMS
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Are there Cultural differences in Chinese and American Negotiations Essay
Are there Cultural differences in Chinese and American Negotiations - Essay Example These cultural differences make negotiations between nations extremely complex. Negotiations between two nations with different cultural views need a specific agreement which suits both parties. For instance, negotiations between America and Chinese may prove to be difficult since the two countries have completely different cultural views. These cultural differences include the take on freedom of expression, collectivism and individualism, social structure, moral and values and business relations. Since the two nations are among the trade super powers in the world, they must find a way to carry out these negotiations. This paper will highlight the cultural differences between the two nations and ways in which they incorporate their differences to carry out successful negotiations. The paper will also give a clear perspective on whether the negotiations are made out of will or out of circumstances. In an attempt to get a clear perspective of the entire theme, the following questions w ill be highlighted; how can Chinese corporate people respond or behave in a different way from American corporate people in international trade negotiations? Are the experiences and outcomes of tension in negotiations similar for Chinese and American business personalities? Do Chinese and American representatives feel diverse levels of anxiety in international business discussions? Do Chinese and American representatives respond to anxiety differently? Firstly, the American negotiating culture is guided by the lawyers. Americans believe negotiation to be an activity in international relations while Asians believe it to be a provision of the paternalistic company heads to create lasting relations. All American negotiators are bound with contracts or legal solutions, whereas customary Asian negotiators believe that relationships are the solution to a business and that contract are just written records of accord between people. Americans put these papers into perspective more than find ing lasting relationships with individuals. With this difference the two nations may find it difficult to be bound by a legal document (Pervez, 2003).The Chinese also believe and want a relationship without the consent of legal documents while America on the other hand, insists on the legal approach of negotiations. The American negotiation culture is the only culture that believes that liability can be allocated in advance through a written agreement. This is one of the numerous features of international negotiation that has grown to be normal, but it still hits traditional Asian negotiators as foolish- that Americans believe contracts binding even as the sales environment changes. Generally, Asian negotiators and Chinese to be specific believe that as the external position change, so must a corporate relationship. Scores of Chinese partners have been puzzled and disappointed when their American counterparts begin waving a piece of paper in their face instead of taking action fairl y and wisely to new market realism. This difference hinders many Chinese developers to negotiate with the Americans. The Chinese at most times feel that they are been treated unfairly and that their relationship is not trusted. On another angle, the Americans believe in the completion of negotiations while the Chinese consider negotiations as an eternal pact to business dealings. Chinese believe that once one has
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Fourty famous studies that influeneced psychology Essay Example for Free
Fourty famous studies that influeneced psychology Essay Born First, Born Smarter This study involves a persons intellectual development in correlation to the order in which they were born in relation to their siblings. Two research psychologists, Robert B. Zajonc and Gregory B. Markus, developed a theory in an attempt to explain the relationship between birth order and intelligence. They conducted this study by gathering information from previous research and applied it to the data they collected themselves. A research project was conducted n the late 1960s that involved testing the intellectual abilities of children born at the end of WWII. They found a strong relationship between the birth order and the Raven test scores. The ones born first scored higher, and the score decreased with the declining birth order. However, the average Raven score for the first born in a two family is only about 5 points higher then that for a last born in a family with nine children. So the more children you have, and the smaller the gap between each child is, the more intelligent each child in succession will be. In Control and Glad of It Researchers Ellen J. Langer and Judith Rodin conducted a field experiment using elderly people in an elderly home to test the outcome of when people are given control as opposed to when people have everything done for them. Langer and Rodins prediction was that if the loss of personal responsibility for ones life causes a person to be less happy and healthy, then increasing control and power should have the opposite effect. Two floors of the elderly home were randomly selected to be observed. One floor was given options for certain things such as there furniture arrangement and which movie they would like to attend. The other floor, was given no such options and had everything arranged and done for them by the staff. The staff was asked to fill out questionnaires about the patients on their floor (the staff new nothing of the experiment). The questionnaires had questions on it to comment about things such as if the patents were sociable, happy, alert, and even how much they visited other patients. The differences between the two groups were incredible. They determined that overall, the increased responsibility groups condition improved over the three weeks ofà the study, while the no-control group was doing progressively poorer. They concluded that when people who have been forced to give up their control and decision-making power are given a greater sense of personal responsibility, their lives and attitudes improve, as is true with the opposing side. More Experience = Bigger Brain Mark R. Rosenzweig and Edward L. Bennett wanted to find out if the brain changes in response to experience. Because this experiment involved long periods of observation and even autopsies to observe the changes in the brain, the two researchers couldnt use human subjects, so they used rats for the experiment. Three male rats where chosen to participate and assigned to one of three conditions. One rat remained in the colony cage with the rest of the colony. One rat was placed in an enriched environment and one was placed in an impoverished environment. There were 12 rats in each of these conditions for each of the 16 experiments. The standard cage had many rats and had adequate space with food and water always available. The improvised environment was a slightly smaller cage, isolated in a separate room, where the rat was alone with adequate food and water. Finally, the enriched environment was a large cage filled with many toys and furnished with every luxury a rat could want. The results indicated that the brains of the enriched rats were highly different from those of the impoverished rats. The cerebral cortex of the enriched rats was significantly heavier and thicker then those of the impoverished rats. Also, the study found a significantly greater number of glial cells in the enriched rats brains compared with the rats raised in the dull environment. After 10 years of experiment and research the researchers could clearly and confidently state that there is no doubt that many aspects of brain anatomy and brain chemistry are changed by experience. However, many scientists were skeptical of there findings because there were factors that Rosenzweig and Bennett didnt take into consideration. The enriched rats were handled more which could have been a brain stimulus and the impoverished rats could have been stressed from having no contact with anyone or anything at all. See AggressionDo Aggression One of he most famous and influential experiment ever conducted in psychology history demonstrated how children learn to be aggressive. This study by Albert Bandura and his associates Dorothea Ross and Shelia Ross was carried out in 1961 at Stanford University. The researchers asked for the help of the Stanford University nursery in obtaining thirty-six boys and thirty-six girls raging from ages 3-6. The average age for he children was 4 years and 4 months. Twenty four of the children were assigned to the control group which was the group that wasnt exposed to any model. The rest of the children were divided into two groups: one exposed to aggressive models and one exposed to non-aggressive models, they were also divided by sex. They eventually had 8 experimental groups divided by gender and level of aggression. First, the experimenter brought a child from one of the groups to a playroom with an adult model. The adult model beat a Bobo doll with a fake mallet while the child played with other toys. Another child was brought in after and the adult model ignored the Bobo doll. This went on for all the groups. 1) The children who were exposed to the violent models tended to imitate the exact violent behaviors they observed when left alone with the Bobo doll. 2) Overall, girls were more likely to imitate the verbal aggression toward the Bobo doll, while the boys showed more physical violence. 3) Boys were significantly more physically aggressive then girls in nearly all the conditions. 4) The boys used the mallet significantly more then girls in almost all of the conditions. 5) The control group was generally less violent then the experimental group.6) in cases with a non-aggressive female, the children used hardly any aggressive language. What You Expect Is What You Get This study involves teachers expectancies of pupils and how that affects the students I.Q. gains. Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson conducted a study where they theorized that when an elementary school teacher is provided with information (such as I.Q. scores) that creates certain expectancies about a students potential, either strong or weak, the teacher might unknowingly behave in ways that subtly encourage or facilitate the performance of the students seen as more likely to succeed. An elementary school was chosen andà all the children grades 1-6 were given an I.Q. test near the beginning of the year. The teachers were told that there students were taking the Harvard Test of Inflected Acquisition. This was told to them because this test was supposed to be a predictor for a childs academic blooming. Teachers believed that students that scored higher would enter a period of increased learning abilities. This was also not true. Children were chosen at random to be within the top 20 percentile of this test and the teachers were informed of this. All other children were the control group of this experiment. At the end of the year the children were tested again using the I.Q. test and the children originally chosen for the top 20% showed a significantly increased score then those of the control group in grades one and two. In grades 3-6 the difference was not so great. The reason for the 1st and 2nd grade development was thought to be because of how younger minds were more malleable then older children and how younger children dont have a reputation from previous school years. I Can See It All Over Your Face Researchers Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Freisen conducted a study about how facial expressions and emotions are a universal language. The first problem with this experiment was that the researchers had to find subjects that had never been exposed to media or magazines because this would enable the subjects to not truthfully identify a certain emotional expression. Ekman and Freisen found a group of people like this in the Southeast Highlands of New Guinea called the Fore people. They were an isolated Stone Age society with not much contact of any other people outside there environment, let alone any media. They had not been exposed to emotional facial expressions other then those of there own people. The two researchers showed there experimental groups of adults and children pictures of different facial expressions of people from the United States and told them a sentence. They asked them to identify by pointing, to the correct matching facial expression. The adults were given three pictures to choose from and the children were given two. There was not much difference between male and female recognition of expressions, however the children did fair a little better in the experiment. This could have been attributed to the fact thatà the children only had to choose between two pictures instead of three. The results for both adults and children clearly support the researchers theory that particular facial behaviors are universally associated with particular emotions. The only trouble that the Fore people had was distinguishing between fear and surprise, and this was because these people closely associated fear and surprise as one emotion. Racing Against Your Heart Using their earlier research and clinical observations, two cardiologists, Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman, developed a model of traits for a specific type of persons behavioral pattern that they believed was related to growing levels of cholesterol and to heart disease. The first pattern, pattern A, had characteristics such as a drive to achieve your goals, a competing personality, multi-tasking that involves meeting deadlines, and extreme alertness. Following this is another type of people, called pattern B. Pattern B is the exact opposite of pattern A. They lacked drive, ambition, desire to compete, and involvement in deadlines. A third set of behaviors developed was called pattern C. This was very much like pattern B but involved anxiety and insecurity. Friedman and Rosenman interviewed about 166 men for there experiment. They first questions they asked them were about there familys medical history, so they could see if they had CHD. While in this interview the researchers cat egorized each man into a pattern A or B category by the way he answered questions, or his tone, or body language. Each subject was asked to keep a log of there diet over the course of a week and blood tests were taken from each of the men to measure cholesterol levels. Friedman and Rosenman matched each man into pattern A and pattern B easily. Each man fit into one of the developed patterns. The researchers found that the men in Pattern A group had significantly higher chances of heart disease and that type A behavior was a major cause of blood abnormalities. However there could be other reasons why Type A had higher chances of heart disease such as, there familys history. More men in the pattern A group had parents with heart disease. Another difference was that pattern A men smoked more cigarettes a day then did the subjects in group B. This study was very important in the history of psychology for a fewà reasons. One way was that it proved certain behavioral patterns can cause major heart related illness. Another is that this study began a new line of research and questioning into the relat ionship between behavior and CHD. The largest long-range outcome from this study that has played an important role in creating a new branch of psychology called health psychology. Not Practicing What You Preach This study involves attitudes and actions toward different racial groups. It was determine if what people say is actually what they will do if they come face to face with the problem. Richard T. LaPiere traveled extensively with a young Chinese couple in 1930 and 1931. The couple was very nice and personable and he was glad to be traveling with them. During this time there was a lot of prejudice in the U.S. against Asians. So, LaPiere was very surprised when the Asian couple was graciously accommodated at a very fine hotel that had a reputation for greatly disliking Orientals. Two months later he called the same hotel and asked if they would accommodate a very important Chinese man and they said defiantly not. LaPiere then developed a theory that stated What people say is often not what they do. The study was conducted in two separate parts. First, LaPiere went with his Chinese friends to many hotels and restaurant throughout the U.S. over the course of two years. He took record of how the couple was treated and made sure to first stay out of site of the managers of the establishments to ensure that the couple wouldnt be treated differently in his presence. The second part of the experiment was for LaPiere to wait 6 months after there trip (to make sure the effect of the Chinese couples visit had faded), and then call each establishment that they went to or stayed at, and asked them if they would accommodate a Chinese person. After almost three years, LaPiere had enough information to make a comparison of social attitudes social behavior. Out of the 251 hotels and restaurants they attended, only one refused the couple and LaPiere service because of the couples race. Aside from that instance, all other places accommodated them with average or above average service. When he received most of the letters back with an answer from the hotels and restaurants over 90% of them said they would absolutely not accommodate anyone of the Chinese race. This confirmed LaPieres theory that what peopleà say, is not always how they will act. The Power of Conformity Research psychologist Solomon E. Asch conducted a study to see if people will give into peer pressure and conform to there friends ideas. A person was let into a room (Subject A) with seven other subjects. These seven people, without subject A knowing, were not participants in the experiment, they were helping the experimenter. Each person was asked which line was longer on a card that was shown to them. Subject A went first and then followed was the seven other subjects and then subject A was asked again. They did this several times until one time, all the other subjects disagreed with subject A and all picked the same one, different form his choice. When the card came back to subject A he picked the one everyone else picked. Seventy-Five percent of the time the first subject will conform to the groups consensus at least once. The powerful effects of group pressures to conform were clearly demonstrated in Aschs study. There are four factors that could have an effect on the reduction of conformity. These factors are social support, attraction and commitment to the group, size of the group, and gender of the group. If you have people on your side you are more likely to stay with your answer rather then conform. Crowding Into The Behavioral Sink The effects of crowding on our behavior are something that has interested psychologists for decades. One man in particular, John B. Calhoun was especially interested in it when he conducted this study on crowding and social pathology. It may be hard to believe but rats do have a social side. The reason Calhoun used rats were because he needed many subjects for long periods of time that were willing to crowd together for a while. Humans wouldnt be very good at this. He used a 1014 foot room and divided it into 4 sections. Section one was connected to section 2 by a ramp, section 2 was connected to section 3 by a ramp, and section 3 was connected to section 4 by a ramp. The walls were electrified so in order to get from section 1 to section 4 you needed to go through all the rooms. The rooms were also filledà with shreds of paper, in order for the rats to make nests. The experimenter filled the rooms with rats. They started with about 4 rats and waited or the rats to multiply until they reached 80. When over 80 were reached some rats were removed so they always had a constant number. When the rats got older, they started to fight with each other for space even though it wasnt necessarily too crowded. The two end rooms were soon fought for because they got the most space and privacy so the rat that won the fight always stayed on guard at the end of the ramp for security. Some rats became submissive and others always fought. Some of the rats were very sexually active and some wanted nothing to do with it. Some of the mothers in the two middle pens became inadequate. They often left their children and lost all maternal abilities. One environment where the same thing that happened to the rats might happen to humans is in an overcrowded prison. It was found in a very crowded prison where each inmate has approximately 50 square feet, as opposed to one with more room, there were more cases of homicides, suicide, illness, and disciplinary problems. Crowding also has negative effects on problem-solving abilities. When in a small room thats crowded subjects had a more difficult time listening to a story and putting tighter a puzzle, then did another group with more space and the same tasks. Relaxing Your Fears Away Researcher Joseph Wolpe was a research psychologist specializing in the systematic desensitization treatment of neuroses. The word phobia comes from Phobos, the name of the Greek god of fear. Phobias are divided into three main categories. Simple phobias are phobias that involve irrational fears of animals or specific situations such as small spaces or heights. Social phobias are irrational fears about interaction with others. Agoraphobia is the irrational fear of being in an unfamiliar, open, or crowded space. These are all irrational and all can be treated in similar ways. Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique that was credited to Wolpe as perfecting and applying it to the treatment of anxiety disorders. Systematic desensitization is the way of unlearning a learned behavior. Reciprocal inhibition is when two responses inhibit each other, and only one may exist at a given moment. There are three steps that a patient must follow in orderà to rid themselves of a phobi a. Wolpe says that you cannot be in a complete relaxed state and have an irrational fear at the same time, so the first step is relaxation. He taught the patient to go into a deep state of relaxation whenever they wanted or needed too. The process involves tensing and relaxing your muscles until you have reached a state of complete relaxation. Wolpe also incorporated hypnosis to ensure full relaxation. The next step in the process is for the therapist and patient to develop a list of high anxiety-producing situations involving your phobia. Starting with the least stressful and ending with the most stressful. The final stage is called the unlearning stage. The patient has to go into a deep state of relaxation and the therapist will read off to you your fears of the list. If at any point you feel anxiety the therapist stops you return to your relaxation mode and the therapist will continue. This process continues until the therapist can go through the entire list with you feeling the least bit anxious. The success of their therapy was judged by the patients own reports and by the occasional direct observation. He had a success rate of 91% with the 39 cases he had. The average number of treatment sessions needed was 12.3. Wolpe said that he hasnt had any patient relapse after a complete desensitization recovery. Whos Crazy Here, Anyway? David L. Rosenhan conducted an experiment with sane people going into mental facilities claiming to hear voices, to see if the patients would be immediately released if acting completely sane. Rosenhan questioned whether the characteristics that lead to psychological diagnoses reside in the patients themselves or in the situations in which the observers find the patients. Eight subjects including Rosenhan committed themselves to eight different mental hospitals. Each subject was completely sane and in perfect mental health. When committing themselves to the hospital they complained of hearing voices and all but one where admitted and on record as having schizophrenia. Each patient once admitted, acted perfectly sane and showed no signs of schizophrenia yet were treated as though they did have a mental illness throughout their entire stay. They were given medication which they disposed of and were not treated as normal people. It was as if because theyà were in the mental hospital, they were automatically considered to not be a real human being. Rosenhans study demonstrated rather strongly that normal patients cannot be distinguished from the mentally ill in a hospital setting. According to Rosenhan, this is because of the strength of the mental setting has over the patients actual behavior. Once patients are admitted to such a place, there is a strong inclination for them to be viewed in ways that strip them of all individuality. This study surprises me. Im taken aback that these professionals that have worked with mentally ill patients cannot decipher between a truly mental patient and a completely mentally-healthy patient. It is extremely unprofessional that the staff member/nurse did at one of the facilities by adjusting her bra in front of patients as if they werent real people. Thanks For The Memories One of the leading researchers in the area of memory is Elizabeth Loftus at the University of Washington. She has found that when an event is recalled it is not accurately recreated. Instead its whats called reconstructive memory. Loftus defines a presupposition as a condition that must be true in order for the question to make sense. For example, suppose that you have witnessed an automobile accident and I ask you, How many people were in the car that was speeding? The question presupposes that the car was speeding. One experiment done by Loftus was having students in small groups watch a car accident video that was about 1 minute long. After the film ended the students had to answer questions. For half the students the first question was How fast was car A going when it ran the stop sign? The other students had a question that read How fast was car A going when I turned right? The last question for both groups was Did you see the stop sign? In the group that had been asked about the stop sign 53% of the subjects said they saw a stop sign for car A, while only 35% in the turned right group claimed to have seen it. Based on these and other studies, Loftus argues that an accurate theory of memory and recall must include a process of reconstruction that occurs when new information is integrated into the original memory of an event. There is little doubt that in the course of criminal prosecutions, eye witness reports are subject to many sources ofà error such as post event information integration.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Animal Emotions Essay -- essays papers
Animal Emotions Do animals feel joy, love, fear, anguish or despair? What ere emotions, and perhaps more importantly, how do scientists prove animals are capable of emotion? Sea lion mothers have often been seen wailing painfully and squealing eerily as they watch their babies being eaten by killer whales. Buffaloes have also been observed sliding playfully across ice, excitedly screaming ââ¬Å"Gwaaa.â⬠Emotions are defined broadly as psychological phenomena that help in behavioral management and control. This is a challenging question to researchers who are trying to determine the answer to this question. Through current research by close observation combined with neurobiological research, evidence that animals exhibit fear, joy happiness, shame, embarrassment, resentment, jealousy, rage, anger, love, pleasure, compassion, respect, relief, disgust, sadness, despair, and grief is likely. Charles Darwin said, ââ¬Å"The lower animals, like man, manifestly feel pleasure and pain, happines s, and misery.â⬠I agree with Darwin. I believe animals do exhibit emotions, and denying that animals have emotions because the subject cannot be studied directly is not a reasonable explanation. One recent headline in the news showed an extraordinary event on film. When a three-year-old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure at the zoo, and was knocked unconscious. A female Gorilla named Binti Jua picked up the boy, and cradled him in her arms as if he was her own. The gorilla then gently carried the boy over to the caretakerââ¬â¢s door and set him down. Did the gorilla feel empathy for the boy? By watching the film alone the gorilla seemed to show emotions for the boy, but without studying the animal neurobiologically scientists cannot understand how her emotions and cognitions were linked. One scientist, Damasio, provided an explanation how emotions can be felt in humans biologically. Damasio suggested, ââ¬Å"Various brain structures map both the organism and external objects to create what he calls a second order representation. This mapping of the organism and the object most likely occurs in the thalamus and cingulate cortices. A sense of self in the act of knowing is created, and the individual knows ââ¬Å"to whom this is happening.â⬠The ââ¬Å"seerâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"seen,â⬠the ââ¬Å"thoughtâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"thinkerâ⬠are one in the same.â⬠By mapping the brain scientists can have a better understandi... ...ung children. He said ââ¬Å"A greylag goose that has lost its partner shows all the symptoms that John Bowlby has described in young human children in his famous book Infant Grief. . . the eyes sink deep into their sockets, and the individual has an overall drooping experience, literally letting their head hang.â⬠Elephants stand guard over a stillborn baby for days with their head and their ears hanging down like they were sad. The experiments and other data show that animals are not just driven by instincts alone. There is more to them than that. It is hard to watch dogs play and believe that they derive no fun or pleasure from it at all. Animals have shown that they are sensitive to their social surroundings. They punish one another and alleviate otherââ¬â¢s pain. Some monkeys in established communities attack those that find food and donââ¬â¢t share. These studies are important. A better understanding of how animals are feeling could create a whole new guideline of rules on the way animals should be treated. Humans should not be so arrogant to believe they are the only animals capable of emotion. How are we capable of seeing from their viewpoint and assume they feel no emotion.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Introduction to Art Principles Essay
Writing about art can come across as something extremely challenging for someone who does not have any previous knowledge about art. A formal analysis is a breakdown of the artistesââ¬â¢ materials and how it is used and making a prediction the meaning of the piece. Besides the basic drawing classes I took in high school, a person like me could probably write a general paper on art but may not be able to put together and analytic essay. In the ââ¬Å"Formal Analysis and Styleâ⬠chapter of the Barnet book, it teaches you how to write a formal analysis, what formal analysis means, and what you should know about a piece of artwork before writing a one. In the beginning of the chapter, Barnet makes it fairly clear that a formal analysis is not a description of art, simply because of the fact that a description is based on what any person might see, rather than someone who is looking for the actual meaning of the work. The chapter then goes into detail on what you should look for when writing a formal analysis. Style conveys different ââ¬Å"distinguishing characteristicsâ⬠in artwork. Itââ¬â¢s how we can categorize types of art (sculpture, painting) and time periods. Next, Barnet shows the reader how to begin to structure a formal analysis. He states that after analyzing the piece, basic notes, or the scratch outline, should be written. Once your scratch outline is finished, your notes should be organized and a more detailed outline should be formed. Once completed you should begin to write a draft. Barnet stresses the importance of knowing ââ¬Å"what each paragraph says, and what each paragraph does.â⬠Knowing the difference between drawings and paintings, sculptures, and architecture, in books and on the Internet is the last thing Barnet mentions in this chapter. He points out the pros and cons of this form of access to art. In conclusion, I fell like this chapter helped me understand how to properly write a formal analysis. However someone with knowledge could benefit just as much as someone who has no prior knowledge.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Behavioral Management in the Developmentally Disabled
This paper will dwell on the behavioral management for the developmentally challenged individual. This paper seeks to provide a general understanding on how the on how clients with developmental disabilities are improve with regard to their conditions.Therefore, the following will be discussed: â⬠¢ The process of Occupational Therapist in modifying behavioral development of disabled person; â⬠¢ Techniques employed to assist the developmentally challenged individual;â⬠¢ Way used by the Occupational Therapist to help a disabled individual write; and â⬠¢ Identify the techniques and tools used by the Occupational Therapist in behavioral management for developmentally challenged individual. Moreover, this paper will focus in two developmental disabilities that exist today in the society. More specifically these are autism and dyslexia. Functions of Occupational Therapist There are four functions of occupational therapists.First, they are ask to put into application the kno wledge, skills and abilities they have acquired in their years of training in the academe for the benefit of enabling people to live normal lives and immerse themselves with the daily tasks (ââ¬Å"A Definition of Occupational Therapy,â⬠n. d. ). Second, is to assist, maintain, regain and enhance the independence of an individual who is ill, injured, disabled and psychologically impaired (ââ¬Å"A Definition of Occupational Therapy,â⬠n. d. ).Third, engage the relatives of the client and other people who are connected such as the caregiver (ââ¬Å"A Definition of Occupational Therapy,â⬠n. d. ). This can be achieved through comprehensive assessment and therapy with the goal of increasing the capacity of client to participate in daily activities (ââ¬Å"A Definition of Occupational Therapy,â⬠n. d. ). Lastly, to accordingly deal with the problems of the client by focusing on three things: ability to accomplish, undertakings of the client and the environment where the undertakings are performed (ââ¬Å"A Definition of Occupational Therapy,â⬠n.d. ). Meaning of Autism Autism, also classified as classical Autism is considered as the most prevalent condition amongst the family of Autism Spectrum Disorder or better known as ASD (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS], 2006). One can discern Autism through the following symptoms: a) ââ¬Å"impaired social interaction,â⬠b) ââ¬Å"problems with verbal and nonverbal communication,â⬠and c) ââ¬Å"unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interestsâ⬠(NINDS, 2006).In addition to this, the cluster of Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD includes other conditions. These are ââ¬â a) ââ¬Å"Asperger syndrome,â⬠b) ââ¬Å"Rett syndrome,â⬠c) ââ¬Å"childhood disintegrative disorder,â⬠and d) ââ¬Å"pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS)â⬠(NINDS, 2006). Statistics shows that in every 1000 children three to six will be affected by autism (NINDS, 2006) Furthermore, Men are four times more prone or at risk of acquiring such behavioral disorder like autism than women.(NINDS, 2006) Meaning of Dyslexia Dyslexia, pronounced as dis-lek-see-uh is a type of learning disorder that some of the children encounter that impairs their ability to read and spell (ââ¬Å"Dyslexia,â⬠n. d. ). What may seem C-A-T to normal people would appear A-C-T to dyslexic individuals. It is not a measure of whether a child is intelligent or not but is rather an impairment of the brain (ââ¬Å"Dyslexia,â⬠n. d. ). In fact, a number clever and gifted people are suffering from dyslexia (ââ¬Å"Dyslexia,â⬠n. d. ).In the United States, the condition is classified as a ââ¬Å"specific learning disabilityâ⬠or as a ââ¬Å"specific reading disabilityâ⬠by the related federal legal statutes that has special education in its scope (Allington, 2006) However, the main idea o f all these explanations comprises the indeterminable hardships encountered by a dyslexic individual when it comes to reading. Moreover, there is no consensus with regard to the definition of the illness that causes the stakeholders confusion that renders them not to use the term (Allington, 2006).Behavioral Management and Techniques in Autism There are three behavioral management and techniques used by the occupational Therapist in able to develop and assist their clients that are suffering from Autism. These are all aimed at a holistic approach to treating the symptoms and addressing the difficulties that come with it. The three techniques are discussed in the next section. Educational/behavioral interventions Occupational Therapists use well reliable and thorough skill-oriented exercises in able to help their client enhance their language and social capabilities.Counseling the relatives and the family of the their client is better a technique to assist the entire clan deal with t he specific obstacles and difficulties in taking care of the autistic client (NINDS, 2006). Medications Occupational therapist could as well seek for the help of a doctor. A medical doctor usually recommends an antidepressant prescription in able to deal with the symptoms of a) ââ¬Å"anxiety,â⬠b) ââ¬Å"depression,â⬠or ââ¬Å"obsessive-compulsive disorderâ⬠(NINDS, 2006). In a sense, these Anti-psychotic medicines are helpful to lessen the burden brought about by the symptoms of behavioral disabilities (NINDS, 2006).Attacks, on the other hand, can be prevented with the administration of variety of doses anticonvulsant medicines (NINDS, 2006). Prescription of stimulant drug that is specifically given for the children suffering from the attention deficit disorder or better known as ADD is an effective technique used by the Occupational Therapists to cut down the incident impulsivity and hyperactivity (NINDS, 2006). Other therapies Controversies abound the therapies t hat are formulated to treat autistic children (NINDS, 2006).This has made the use such be attached with caution before these are adopted by the parents or guardians (NINDS, 2006). Furthermore, an insignificant number of these are backed up with thorough scientific research (NINDS, 2006). Writing for the developmentally disabled individual Therapeutic Sessions for autism With the aim of teaching the developmentally challenged person it is important to have focus and patience together with appropriate learning strategies that will help the disabled individual in writing and learning process.Likewise, it is necessary to conduct follow up sessions with the therapist and at home with the help of the parents and other relatives. Behavioral Management and Techniques in Dyslexia According to website article, a recent game was developed with the purpose of helping children and other individuals cope with the difficulty they suffer from reading (Briggs, 2001). In the study, a group of seven-y ear-old children served as the respondents of the study and this resulted to a positive outcome for the research on reading difficulties (Briggs, 2001).The game included activities that require the respondents to match certain shapes to particular sounds (Briggs, 2001). They are asked to press a space bar after a series of sequences and then they will be greeted with a smile (Briggs, 2001). This resulted in higher rates of accuracy and an increase in the speed of reading for the 24 children who are diagnosed to have dyslexia (Briggs, 2001). Conclusion The role of the occupational therapist is a four-fold task. This is aimed towards uplifting the condition of the client.It is the aim of the occupational therapist is to be able to address the needs of the client and the chance to fulfill their responsibilities. There are different ways by which the therapist could help the clients in making their lives better through these techniques. It has become a better way of making people live a fulfilling life. These are different techniques of writing such as video games. References A Definition of Occupational Therapy. (n. d. ). Retrieved July 5, 2008, from http://steinhardt. nyu. edu/ot/definitionAllington, R. (2006). ââ¬Å"Dyslexia. â⬠In Microsoftà ® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Briggs, H. (2001). Computer game helps dyslexics. Retrieved July 05, 2008, from http://www. dyslexia-teacher. com/t113. html. Dyslexia. (n. d. ). Retrieved July 5, 2008, from http://kidshealth. org/kid/health_problems/learning_problem/dyslexia. html National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS]. (2006). Autism Fact Sheet. Retrieved July 5, 2008, from http://www. ninds. nih. gov/disorders/autism/detail_autism. htm
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Technology and Modern Society essays
Technology and Modern Society essays Technology is changing society as much as it's changing the world around us. People are surrounding themselves with all this technology and paying no mind to the world they are living in. Technology is always improving and it's only getting faster. There are positive and negative things that come with technology. The positive things that can be accomplished are that you can communicate with friends and find any type of information on the internet. The negative aspect of technology is that it affects our social well-being. The youth of today is mainly focused on technology that promotes instant gratification, whether cell phones, gaming systems, laptops, or MP3 players (DeLuca). Are these technological advancements a good thing for our society? Technology is more of a negative aspect of our society, it causes individuals to isolate themselves from reality. The advancement of technology has a negative impact on our social interactions because it separates us from the world around us. The world should be able to learn how to embrace technology without allowing it to negatively impact society (DeLuca). Individuals are disconnecting themselves from the real world. The internet allows people to interact with other people that they aren't able to communicate with in person. When the internet is being used for social interactions it gives people the wrong idea of the world around them. It allows them to think that they can only interact with people through there social networking websites instead of having an actual conversation with a classmate. There are millions of people that spend plenty of time on social networking websites. Most people use these websites to build character and because they are able to socialize through these websites. People tend to just sit at a computer staring at a monitor which creates imaginary friends that they most likely will not meet in person and prevents them from socializing in person. Others ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The subject is leadership and the research about King Fahad, the king Paper
The subject is leadership and the about King Fahad, the king of Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example Being a leader and the king of Saudi Arabia, Fahad had a dual responsibility to grow and arrange a culture of selflessness. He had to perform his work selflessly and the greatest challenge is that he had to convince his subjects to work selflessly for their own benefits and for the country too. King Fahad backed the United Nations at some point offering 5.5% of the national income of Saudi Arabia through many funds such as OPEC and Saudi funds for the purposes of international development (Weston 67). Due to his good leadership qualities and selflessness, he also offered aid to foreign groups like Nicaraguan Contras and Bosnian Muslims in the early wars of Yugoslavia (Nasser and Esber 83). He had also supported the Palestinians in various ways. King Fahad commonly took time to determine the way he would communicate with his people. Most of the Arabians became loyal to him due to the developments initiated by him and for always taking the time to inspire his subjects to work hard (Mor dechai 45). The King himself sought to tackle corruption by seeking to instill discipline in line with Islamic laws. The kingdom, under his leadership witnessed astronomical growth in the education sector, infrastructure and economic development. He realized how much backward his kingdom was in terms of literacy level and sought not to educate only close members of his family but looked beyond familial relations seeking to develop the entire kingdom. Even in anger, the king appeared composed and expressed his views confidently. When Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, Fahad urged the Americans to help in evicting Iraq from neighboring Kuwait. He did this considering the welfare of the Kuwaiti while at the same time opposing the breakup of Iraq which was the aggressor as noted by Sicherman (par 9). Many people in the world normally follow an assertive leader. Assertiveness in a hostile environment for the sake of the protection of the Saudi monarchy is perhaps one of the greatest tactics that the leader has demonstrated. While keeping a watchful eye on the developments of the world around, the King was been able to ensure that the massive natural resources enjoyed by the kingdom did not turn into a curse like it commonly happens. In spite of facing numerous challenges with respect to military organization and the use of oil resources, King Fahad remained firm in raising the countryââ¬â¢s annual budget to about 55 billion USD. In doing so, he ensured that the military got a generous share of the budget allocation considering the volatile situation if the Middle East at that time. Furthermore, he struggled against the wishes of other major oil producers to protect the interests of consumers. In order to accomplish this goal, he directed the use of the countryââ¬â¢s oil reserves to supply the produce to countries such as the United States of America and Canada. Countries struggling with handling greed and selfish interests from various quarters must apply assert iveness as demonstrated by this great leader. Fahad inquired much about how he could help develop his kingdom. He realized that the country needed to implement a government scholarship program to help men and women of Saudi Arabia further their studies in western universities both for postgraduate and undergraduate studies. In spite of criticism in taking this measure, he made the decision to implement the program
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Customer Relationship Management in the Business-to-Business Market in Assignment
Customer Relationship Management in the Business-to-Business Market in Brazil - Assignment Example Research has identified that development of trust in B2B marketing is imperative, especially when there is a cultural or geographical disparity between both partners (Moment 2001; Burkert 1994). Trust is the most critical value-added constituent in this business relationship. Companies that engage in B2B marketing, especially when working with international partners, must focus on establishing conviction and reliance in order to progress forward and experience the long-run synergies provided by successful partnership development. This report focuses on business-to-business marketing in Brazil, a country in which there are established hierarchies of business relationship development that actually do take into consideration the dynamics of interpersonal relationship development in order to build the necessary trust between partners. The report also focuses on the tangibles of customer relationship with Pfizer, an international pharmaceutical company operating in B2B environments. Pfizer believes that value-added activities are critical to establishing an appropriate customer relationship management system to ensure long-run sustainability of the marketing relationship. The majority of these activities include reliance on technology to support interactivity between trading partners. Vendors that have been pre-approved are granted access to Pfizerââ¬â¢s technology systems, allowing them to track their own invoice movements and also submit orders through Pfizerââ¬â¢s e-business website (Pfizer 2013). This not only adds convenience but sets the foundation for the vital trust required. According to Starnes, Truhon and McCarthy (2010) trust is only established over time and building this relationship is a cyclical process of reciprocal acts.Ã
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